hpmoc.plot module

Plotting commands implemented using Astropy (rather than HEALPy) for greater flexibility, robustness, and cross-platform compatibility. Meant to replace the plotters in plotters. These provide similar functionality to the plotters provided by the ligo.skymap package as well as healpy; those packages are not included as dependencies, but the high-performance rendering tools included in hpmoc are totally compatible with those plotting tools through the PartialUniqSkymap.render interface (in fact, the previous version of these plotting scripts used healpy for its included projection axes and coordinate transforms).

Available projections are drawn from the FITS standard. You can specify your own projections using the appropriate FITS headers plugged into an astropy.wcs.WCS world coordinate system instance as the projection argument to a subplot or astropy.visualization.wcsaxes.WCSAxes instance. The projection code follows the “4-3” form defined in the FITS Definition document, i.e. by specifying the coordinate type (e.g. RA-- for right ascension) right-padded by enough dashes to fill 4 characters, followed by an additional - and the 3-character projection code (one of those listed below) to specify the projection. This information is then stored in the CTYPEi headers. Pixel-scaling through the CDELTi headers has a projection-dependent normalization and further depends on pixel resolution of the final image. Details on WCS header fields are available in the FITS Definition, and the normalization factors can be extracted from each projection’s definition in Representations of celestial coordinates in FITS.

The complete list of available projections can be found in the FITS Definition, with concrete transformation definitions given in the Representations of Celestial Coordinates in FITS. The table of available projections is reproduced below, with sections linking to the corresponding section in Representations of Celestial Coordinates in FITS. Note that not all valid WCS projections can be displayed by astropy at time of writing; in particular, the HEALPIX HPX projection does not work out of the box, which is one of the (many) motivations for this plotting library.

Available Projections





Projection name




Sect. 5.1.1

Zenithal perspective




Sect. 5.1.2

Slant zenithal perspective




Sect. 5.1.3





Sect. 5.1.4





Sect. 5.1.5

Slant orthographic




Sect. 5.1.6

Zenithal equidistant




Sect. 5.1.7

Zenithal polynomial




Sect. 5.1.8

Zenithal equal-area




Sect. 5.1.9





Sect. 5.2.1

Cylindrical perspective




Sect. 5.2.2

Cylindrical equal area




Sect. 5.2.3

Plate carrée




Sect. 5.2.4





Sect. 5.3.1





Sect. 5.3.2





Sect. 5.3.3





Sect. 5.3.4





Sect. 5.4.1

Conic perspective




Sect. 5.4.2

Conic equal-area




Sect. 5.4.3

Conic equidistant




Sect. 5.4.4

Conic orthomorphic




Sect. 5.5.1

Bonne’s equal area




Sect. 5.5.2





Sect. 5.6.1

Tangential spherical cube




Sect. 5.6.2

COBE quadrilateralized spherical cube




Sect. 5.6.3

Quadrilateralized spherical cube




Sect. 6 2

HEALPix grid

See also

hpmoc.partial.PartialUniqSkymap, astropy.wcs.WCS, astropy.visualization.wcsaxes, matplotlib.axes.Axes, matplotlib.figure.Figure, ligo.skymap, healpy


Get declination values to exclude from ticks.

hpmoc.plot.get_colormap(cmap, bad=None)
hpmoc.plot.get_frame_class(projection: Union[str, astropy.wcs.WCS, astropy.io.fits.Header] = 'MOL', frame_class: Optional[Union[str, astropy.visualization.wcsaxes.frame.BaseFrame]] = None, vdelta: Optional[float] = None, hdelta: Optional[float] = None, rot: Optional[Union[Tuple[float, float, float], Tuple[float, float]]] = None, scatter: List[hpmoc.points.PointsTuple] = (), sigmas: List[float] = (1,)) astropy.visualization.wcsaxes.frame.BaseFrame

Get the frame class associated with a given projection. If already given a frame_class, returns it immediately, making this function idempotent. Will otherwise try to determine the best frame choice from the given arguments.

  • projection (str, WCS, or Header, optional) – The projection to use. See get_wcs for details. Only used if a str.

  • frame_class (str or BaseFrame) – The frame class; optionally pass it to ensure that an argument is an instance of BaseFrame.

  • vdelta (float, optional) – Manual vdelta override. Give up if set and return RectangularFrame.

  • hdelta (float, optional) – Manual hdelta override. Give up if set and return RectangularFrame.

  • rot – See the note in get_wcs on these arguments. If both rotation and window are set for ARC (zenithal equidistant), switch to RectangularFrame.

  • scatter – See the note in get_wcs on these arguments. If both rotation and window are set for ARC (zenithal equidistant), switch to RectangularFrame.

  • sigmas – See the note in get_wcs on these arguments. If both rotation and window are set for ARC (zenithal equidistant), switch to RectangularFrame.


frame_class – The frame class best-suited to this type of projection.

Return type



IndexError – If the specified projection could not be found.

hpmoc.plot.get_projection(projection, *args, **kwargs)

If projection is already an astropy.wcs.WCS instance, return it; if it is an astropy.io.fits.Header, return WCS(projection). If it is a string, try to create a new WCS using get_wcs with *args and **kwargs passed to that function; failing that, try to interpret projection as a raw FITS header and instantiate a WCS therefrom.

hpmoc.plot.get_ticks(include, exclude, ticks, delta, transform)
hpmoc.plot.get_wcs(projection: str, width: Optional[int] = None, height: int = 180, hdelta: Optional[float] = None, vdelta: Optional[float] = None, rot: Optional[Union[Tuple[float, float, float], Tuple[float, float]]] = None, facing_sky: bool = True, scatter: List[hpmoc.points.PointsTuple] = (), sigmas: List[float] = (1,)) astropy.wcs.WCS

Get a WCS instance by name to match the given parameters.

  • projection (str) –

    The following projections are available by default. See hpmoc.plot documentation for instructions on constructing your own WCS headers for other plot styles, which can be passed in instead using a WCS instance. You can also use this approach to plot the skymap over an existing WCS taken from another fits file, making it easy to plot skymaps over other astrophysical data. This function will return WCS instances for the following projection types:

    Cylindrical/Pseudo-cylindrical (For all-sky plots)

    • MOL: Mollweide, mollview, Homolographic, Homalographic, Babinet, Elliptical

    • AIT: Hammer-Aitoff, Aitoff, Hammer, Aitov, Hammer equal-area

    • CAR: Carée, Plate carée, Caree, Plate caree, Cartesian, Tyre, cartview, Equidistant cylindrical

    • CEA: Cylindrical equal-area, Lambert equal area

    • SFL: Sanson-Flamsteed

    • PAR: Parabolic, Craster


    • TAN: gnomonic, gnomview, Central, zoom

    • SIN: Slant Orthographic, Orthographic, Globe, orthview

    • ARC: Zenithal Equidistant, azimuthal equidistant, azeqview, Postel, Equidistant, Globular

    • ZEA: Zenithal Equal-area, Azimuthal equivalent, polar azimuthal, Lambert azimuthal equivalent, Lambert azimuthal equal-area, Lambert polar azimuthal, Lambert

  • width (int, optional) – Width of the image in pixels. If not provided, default to the height for zenithal projections and twice the height for azimuthal projections.

  • height (int) – Height of the image in pixels.

  • hdelta (float, optional) – The CDELT1 value, if you wish to override the default. Note that the actual angular width of a pixel at the reference point depends on this value as well as the projection used. Ignored if ax is given.

  • vdelta (float, optional) – The CDELT2 value, if you wish to override the default. Note that the actual angular height of a pixel at the reference point depends on this value as well as the projection used. Ignored if ax is given.

  • rot (float, float, float) or (float, float), optional) – Euler angles for rotations about the Z, X, Z axes. These are immediately translated to CRVAL1, CRVAL2, LONPOLE in the returned WCS; that is, the first two angles specify the angle of the center of the image, while the last specifies an additional rotation of the reference pole about the Z-axis. See hpmoc.plot documentation for further references. Defaults to centering on RA = 180, dec = 0 (the convention used in most plots produced by LIGO). If only two angles are provided, LONPOLE will be determined automatically such that the center of the skymap is given by the (RA, dec) given and the orientation of the plot is otherwise unchanged.

  • facing_sky (bool) – Whether the projection is outward- or inward-facing. Equivalent to reversing the direction of the longitude.

  • scatter (List[PointsTuple]) – A list of collections of point sources that will be plotted. If only one collection containing one point source is provided and rot=None (the default), then rot will be set to the location of that single point source.

  • sigmas (List[float]) – See plot for meaning. If sigmas is non-empty; rot is set by a single point source in scatter as described above; hdelta and vdelta are both None; and the projection is an alias for ARC (zenithal equidistant), then hdelta and vdelta will be set so that the returned frame is 1.5x the size of the largest error region plotted in the smallest axis. This provides an easy way to visually emphasize singular points of interest.


wcs – A WCS instance that can be used for rendering and plotting.

Return type



IndexError – If the specified projection could not be found or if an argument is specified incorrectly.

hpmoc.plot.gridplot(*skymaps: Union[hpmoc.PartialUniqSkymap, nptyping.types._ndarray.NDArray[typing.Any, Any], Tuple[nptyping.types._ndarray.NDArray[typing.Any, Any], Optional[Union[nptyping.types._ndarray.NDArray[typing.Any, int], astropy.wcs.WCS, str]]]], fig: Optional[Union[matplotlib.figure.Figure, matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpec, dict]] = None, projections: List[Union[str, astropy.wcs.WCS, astropy.io.fits.Header, List[Union[str, astropy.wcs.WCS, astropy.io.fits.Header, astropy.visualization.wcsaxes.WCSAxes]]]] = ('MOL',), scatters: Optional[List[List[hpmoc.points.PointsTuple]]] = None, subplot_height: float = 4, ncols: int = 2, hspace: float = 0.2, wspace: float = 0.2, wshrink: Union[float, List[float]] = 1.0, subplot_kwargs: Optional[List[Optional[List[dict]]]] = None, left=0.0, right=1.0, bottom=0.0, top=1.0, **kwargs) Tuple[matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpec, List[List[astropy.visualization.wcsaxes.WCSAxes]]]

Make a grid plot of multiple skymaps (optionally with scatterplots for each).

  • *skymaps ('hpmoc.PartialUniqSkymap', array, or (array, array)) – The skymaps to plot. Can be a PartialUniqSkymap, a single-resolution HEALPix skymap in NEST ordering only, or a tuple of (pixel values, NUNIQ indices) accepted as the first two arguments to PartialUniqSkymap.

  • fig (matplotlib.figure.Figure or dict, optional) – The figure to plot to. If not provided, a new figure will be created. If a dictonary is provided, it will be passed as keyword arguments to create a new figure. If a GridSpec is provided, then the figure to which it is attached will be used, and that GridSpec will be used to define the layout.

  • projections (List[Union[str, WCS, fits.Header, List[Union[str, WCS, fits.Header, WCSAxes]]]], optional) – A list of projections (see the projection argument of plot) to use for each skymap in skymaps. If multiple projections are specified, they will be plotted alongside each other; if this makes the figure too wide, change the number of columns in the grid with ncols. You can also pass a list of lists of axes of the type returned by this function (which you should do while also passing a GridSpec as fig), allowing you to plot multiple layers of data to the same grid plot.

  • scatters (List[List[PointsTuple]], optional) – Scatterplots to use, one list for each skymap containing the sets of points to plot for that skymap. For any of the skymaps which are PartialUniqSkymap instances, you can default to plotting that instance’s point_sources by passing None instead of a list of point sources; this is also the default behavior if scatters=None.

  • subplot_height (float, optional) – The height of each subplot (in inches). Width is automatically determined. Overall figure height will be this times ncols. Ignored if fig is a pre-existing figure, or if figsize is specified as a keyword argument in fig (though this is not recommended usage and should be avoided unless you know what you’re doing).

  • ncols (int, optional) – How many columns of skymaps to include in the grid. NB: All subplots for a single skymap are counted as a single column (in contrast to matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpec, which counts each subplot in a single column). The number of rows is determined automatically from the number of skymaps provided combined with ncols.

  • hspace (float, optional) – How much vertical space (height) to reserve between subplots.

  • wspace (float, optional) – How much horizontal space (width) to reserve between subplots.

  • wshrink (float or list of floats, optional) – Scale the plot widths by this much. Useful if you are adding color bars to preserve spacing. If a list, each element corresponds to a projection.

  • subplot_kwargs (List[Optional[List[dict]]], optional) – Lists of keyword argument dictionaries that will be used for each subplot. The first index specifies the plotter, and the second index specifies the skymap from skymaps. This behavior allows you to easily specify lists of keyword arguments for specific projections (since often) only one of the projections requires skymap-specific parameters). NB: These subplot-specific keyword arguments take precedence over **kwargs for their respective subplots. Projection-related keyword arguments are ignored if projections is a list of lists of axes; see the plot documentation for further details.

  • left (float) – Bounds for the GridSpec within the plot. Move top down, for example, if you want more space for a super-title with plt.suptitle.

  • right (float) – Bounds for the GridSpec within the plot. Move top down, for example, if you want more space for a super-title with plt.suptitle.

  • bottom (float) – Bounds for the GridSpec within the plot. Move top down, for example, if you want more space for a super-title with plt.suptitle.

  • top (float) – Bounds for the GridSpec within the plot. Move top down, for example, if you want more space for a super-title with plt.suptitle.

  • **kwargs – Keyword arguments applied to all projections; again, see plot for usages and caveats.


  • gs (matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpec) – The GridSpec defining the shape of the subplots. Access the plotted figure as gs.figure. Reuse this layout by passing gs to another invocation of gridplot.

  • axs (List[List[‘astropy.visualization.wcsaxes.WCSAxes’]]) – The axes which were plotted. The first index (outer list) corresponds to the projection used, and the second index (inner lists) correspond to the skymap. Reuse the axes and projections by passing projections=axs to another invocation of gridplot.


ValueError – If scatters is provided and is ill-formatted or not of the same length as skymaps; if subplot_kwargs is included and is not of the same length as projections, or if its elements are neither None nor lists of the same length as skymaps; if fig is passed as a GridSpec which is not compatible with the rest of the arguments given; or if one of the projections is specified as a string but cannot be found in this module.

See also


hpmoc.plot.plot(skymap: Union[hpmoc.PartialUniqSkymap, nptyping.types._ndarray.NDArray[typing.Any, Any], Tuple[nptyping.types._ndarray.NDArray[typing.Any, Any], Optional[Union[nptyping.types._ndarray.NDArray[typing.Any, int], astropy.wcs.WCS, str]]]], *scatter: hpmoc.points.PointsTuple, vmin: Optional[float] = None, vmax: Optional[float] = None, cmap: Optional[Union[str, matplotlib.colors.Colormap]] = 'gist_heat_r', missing_color: Optional[Union[str, Tuple[int, int, int]]] = None, nan_color: Optional[Union[str, Tuple[int, int, int]]] = None, alpha: float = 1.0, sigmas: Iterable[float] = (1,), scatter_labels: Union[bool, dict] = True, ax: Optional[Union[astropy.visualization.wcsaxes.WCSAxes, astropy.visualization.wcsaxes.WCSAxesSubplot]] = None, projection: Union[str, astropy.wcs.WCS, astropy.io.fits.Header] = 'Mollweide', frame_class: Optional[Union[str, astropy.visualization.wcsaxes.frame.BaseFrame]] = None, width: Optional[int] = None, height: int = 180, hdelta: Optional[float] = None, vdelta: Optional[float] = None, rot: Optional[Union[Tuple[float, float, float], Tuple[float, float]]] = None, facing_sky: bool = True, fig: Optional[Union[matplotlib.figure.Figure, dict]] = None, subplot: Optional[Union[Tuple[int, int, int], matplotlib.gridspec.SubplotSpec]] = None, cr: Iterable[float] = (), cr_format: Callable[[float, float], str] = None, cr_filled: bool = False, cr_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None, cr_label_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None, pixels: Union[bool, dict] = False, pixels_format: Optional[Callable[[hpmoc.PartialUniqSkymap], Iterable[str]]] = None, cbar: Union[bool, dict] = False) Union[astropy.visualization.wcsaxes.WCSAxes, astropy.visualization.wcsaxes.WCSAxesSubplot]
  • skymap ('hpmoc.PartialUniqSkymap', array, or (array, array)) – The skymap to plot. Can be a PartialUniqSkymap, a single-resolution HEALPix skymap in NEST ordering only, or a tuple of (pixel values, NUNIQ indices) accepted as the first two arguments to PartialUniqSkymap.

  • scatter (PointsTuple) – Point-sources to plot as a scatter-map, with disks showing their error regions. Provide multiple (ideally with different colors) to plot many populations at once.

  • vmin (float, optional) – The smallest value in the color map used to plot skymap. Set None to have it calculated automatically.

  • vmax (float, optional) – The largest value in the color map used to plot skymap. Set None to have it calculated automatically.

  • cmap (str or matplotlib.colors.Colormap) – The color map to use to plot skymap. Note that the colors for the point sources in scatter are set using the rgba parameter in PointsTuple and will not be affected by this value. If None, the skymap itself will not be plotted; this can be useful if overlaying multiple skymaps.

  • missing_color (str or (int, int, int), optional) – The color to use for missing parts of the skymap. If not provided, they simply will not be shown.

  • nan_color (str or (int, int, int), optional) – The color to use for parts of the map that are included but equal to np.nan. If not provided, will be the same as missing_color (meaning transparent if that argument is not provided), i.e. they will be plotted as if the pixels were missing. Will not use the alpha argument (to allow for highlighting NaN values more clearly; to use the same alpha value, you can create an RGBA tuple including the desired color and your shared alpha value, e.g. nan_color=[*matplotlib.colors.to_rgb('pink'), alpha].

  • alpha (float, optional) – The opacity of the plotted skymap image.

  • sigmas (Iterable[float], optional) – The size of the error region about each point source to plot in units of its error parameter sigma.

  • scatter_labels (bool, optional) – Whether to show labels for the scattered points. If True, display either their labels (if defined) or their indices within the PointsTuple.points list. If given as a dict, will be interpreted as keyword arguments to pass to WCSAxes.text, which can be used to control the appearance of the point source labels.

  • ax (WCSAxes or WCSAxesSubplot, optional) – Axes to plot to. If provided, all other arguments pertaining to creating a WCS and WCSAxes instance are ignored, and these axes are used instead.

  • projection (str, WCS, or Header, optional) – Either provide the name of the projection (see get_wcs docstring for valid names) to create a new WCS for this plot, or provide a ready-made WCS instance or FITS Header from which such an instance can be crafted. In the first case, you will need to specify other parameters needed to fully define the world coordinate system. In the latter cases, you might need to customize frame. Ignored if ax is given.

  • frame_class (BaseFrame or str, optional) – The frame type to use for this plot, e.g. a RectangularFrame (for a plate carée/Cartesian plot) or an EllipticalFrame for a Mollweide plot. Selected automatically when projection is specified by name, otherwise defaults to RectangularFrame. You can also specify frame_class=’rectangular’ or frame_class=’elliptical’ to choose one of these two frames.

  • width (int, optional) – Width of the image in pixels. If not provided, default to the height for zenithal projections and twice the height for azimuthal projections. Ignored if ax is given or if projection is a WCS instance.

  • height (int, optional) – The height of the plot in pixels. Ignored if ax is given or if projection is a WCS instance.

  • hdelta (float, optional) – The CDELT1 value, if you wish to override the default. Note that the actual angular width of a pixel at the reference point depends on this value as well as the projection used. Ignored if ax is given or if projection is a WCS instance.

  • vdelta (float, optional) – The CDELT2 value, if you wish to override the default. Note that the actual angular height of a pixel at the reference point depends on this value as well as the projection used. Ignored if ax is given or if projection is a WCS instance.

  • rot ((float, float, float) or (float, float), optional) – Euler angles for rotations about the Z, X, Z axes. These are immediately translated to CRVAL1, CRVAL2, LONPOLE in the returned WCS; that is, the first two angles specify the angle of the center of the image, while the last specifies an additional rotation of the reference pole about the Z-axis. See hpmoc.plot documentation for further references. Defaults to centering on RA = 180, dec = 0 (the convention used in most plots produced by LIGO). If only two angles are provided, LONPOLE will be determined automatically such that the center of the skymap is given by the (RA, dec) given and the orientation of the plot is otherwise unchanged. Ignored if ax is given or if projection is a WCS instance.

  • facing_sky (bool, optional) – Whether the projection is outward- or inward-facing. Equivalent to reversing the direction of the longitude. Ignored if ax is given or if projection is a WCS instance.

  • fig (matplotlib.figure.Figure or dict, optional) – The figure to plot to. If not provided, a new figure will be created. If a dictonary is provided, it will be passed as keyword arguments to create a new figure. Ignored if ax is given.

  • subplot ((int, int, int) or SubplotSpec, optional) – If provided, initialize the plot as a subplot using the standard Figure.subplot matplotlib interface, returning a WCSAxesSubplot instance rather than a WCSAxes instance. Ignored if ax is given.

  • cr (Iterable[float], optional) – If provided, plot contour lines around the credible regions specified in this list. For example, cr=[0.9] will plot contours around the smallest region containing 90% of the skymap’s integrated value.

  • cr_format (Callable[[float, float], str], optional) – A function taking the CR level (e.g. 0.9 for 90% CR) and the actual value of the skymap on that contour and returning a string to be used to label each contour. If not provided, contours will not be labeled. Ignored if cr is empty.

  • cr_filled (bool, optional) – Whether to fill the contours using contourf rather than contour. Ignored if cr is empty.

  • cr_kwargs (dict, optional) – Additional arguments to pass to either contour or contourf. Ignored if cr is empty.

  • cr_label_kwargs (dict, optional) – Arguments to pass to clabel governing the display format of contour labels.

  • pixels (bool or dict, optional) – Whether to plot pixel borders. You should probably keep this False if you are doing an all-sky plot, since border plotting is slow for a large number of pixels, and the boundaries will not be visible anyway unless each visible pixel’s size is comparable to the overall size of the plot window. If you just want to see information about e.g. the size of pixels across the whole sky, consider plotting skymap.orders(as_skymap=True) to see a color map of pixel sizes instead. If given as a dict, will be interpreted as keyword arguments to pass to WCSAxes.plot, which can be used to control the appearance of the pixel borders.

  • pixels_format (Callable[[PartialUniqSkymap], Iterable[str]], optional) – A function that takes a skymap and returns a string for each pixel. Will be called on the selection of pixels overlapping with the visible area, so don’t worry about optimizing it, since just plotting the borders will be slow enough for a large number of visible pixels. The returned string will be plotted over the center of each pixel, which again is only useful if the pixels are large with respect to the size of the plot window.

  • cbar (bool or dict, optional) – If True, add a colorbar for the plotted skymap. If a dict is provided, pass it as the keyword arguments to matplotlib.pyplot.colorbar. Ignored if cmap=None.


ax – The axes that were just plotted to.

Return type

WCSAxes or WCSAxesSubplot

See also

hpmoc.partial.PartialUniqSkymap, matplotlib.figure.Figure, matplotlib.axes.Axes, matplotlib.pyplot.colorbar, matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpec, matplotlib.gridspec.SubplotSpec, astropy.io.fits.Header, astropy.wcs.WCS, astropy.visualization.wcsaxes.WCSAxes


Get RA values to exclude from ticks.

hpmoc.plot.register_dec_exclusion(cls, func)
hpmoc.plot.register_ra_exclusion(cls, func)